1. 公告中心
  2. 「新式外來人口統一證號」變更提醒事項



Dear Customers,

因應新式外來人口統一證號專案於2021年1月2日起實施,內政部移民署將現行外來人口統一證號調整為 1碼英文+9碼數字身分證字號格式,若您已申請新式外來人口統一證號,提醒您下列事項:
Due to the New UI No. Format for Foreign Nationals project has been implemented since January 2, 2021. The National Immigration Agency revised the original UI No. to the new format(1 English letter followed by 9 digits). If you had already applied for the New UI No, please notice the following:

1. 請您本人攜帶換發之「最新居留證」正本,親臨本公司任一服務據點辦理變更統一證號作業事宜。
Please bring the latest R.O.C. ARC. to any branches of Cathay Century Insurance for the UI No. update proceeding.

2. 或請您備妥「最新居留證」正本並聯絡本公司服務人員,由本公司服務人員協助您辦理變更統一證號作業事宜。
You may also contact your insurance agents with the latest R.O.C. ARC., they could assist you to complete the UI No. update proceeding pleasantly.

3. 若您完成證號變更後,建議您洽銀行同步變更您的統一證號,才能順利完成您與本公司約定之入/扣款作業。
After updating to the new UI No., it is recommended that you shall inform the bank to update your UI No. in order to fulfill your future transaction successfully.

For more information, please refer to the "New UI No. Format for Foreign Nationals" section by the National Immigration Agency of the Ministry of the Interior:

如有任何疑問,請撥打本公司客服專線 0800-212-880,我們將竭誠為您服務,感謝您的配合與支持。
Thank you for your cooperation and support. If you have any questions, please call our customer service center at 0800-212-880. We are always here to serve you at all time.

敬祝 身體健康 順心如意
Yours Faithfully,

國泰產險 敬啟
Cathay Century Insurance

每⽇ 21:00 ~翌⽇08:30(委外專⼈服務)
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